Technology Assistance
Required Technology for Online Learning
Before you get started, ask yourself: |
Laptop Loans for Students
To help with the move to online learning and to aid students with their academic success, Catholic Charities is lending laptops for students to borrow. If you need a laptop, please inform your instructor. Limited computers are available. 1. Have I signed a Student Laptop Agreement Form before I begin using my laptop? It is the student’s responsibility to care for the equipment and ensure it is maintained in a safe environment. If the computer is lost, stolen or damaged, students should immediately file a report with Catholic Charities. 2. Have I taken inventory of my laptop, which includes an AC laptop power adapter, and battery? Is my computer in good working condition? 3. Have I viewed the following videos before using my student laptop? Click to open the videos a. Caring For Your Student Laptop b. Turning on and Logging in to your Student Laptop c. Basic Keyboard Functions and Headset & USB use d. Accessing Gmail, Google Classroom and Zoom for Online Classes e. Using Basic Touch Pad Functions on Student Laptops f. Connecting to the Internet g. Turning Off Your Student Laptop |
List of video instructions for new students
Click in the link to access: Videos available in English, Spanish and Arabic on YOUTUBE |
PLAY LIST VIDEOS IN ENGLISH 1 Caring For Your Student Laptop 2. Turning on and logging in 3. Turning Off Your Student Laptop 4. Connecting to the Internet 5. Using Basic Touch Pad Functions 6. Basic Keyboard Functions,Headset & USB 7.Accessing Gmail, Google Classroom and Zoom for Online Classes |
PLAY LIST OF ARABIC VIDEOS 1. رتويبمكلا زاهجب ةيانعلا - Caring for Student Laptop (ARABIC) 2. لوخدلا ليجستو زاهجلا ليغشت - Turning on the laptop (ARABIC) 3. ةعامسلاو حيتافملا ةحول - Basic Key Board functions (ARABIC) 4. سمللا ةحول - Basic Touch Pad functions (ARABIC) 5. تنرتنالاب لاصتالا - Connecting to the internet (ARABIC) 6. الدخول إلى بریدك الالكتروني وصفوف قوقل وزوم - Access Gmail, Google Classroom and Zoom for online classes 7. ليغشتلا فاقيإ - Turning off laptop (ARABIC) |
Students will need to set up technology in their device before starting the semester.
Click the "Guide to start classes" below to learn about the online tools you need.
If you need to read this document in another language, make sure to choose your language in the top left corner of the page.
I) setting up your Google email account,
II) using Zoom to communicate with your instructor, and
III) joining your Google Classroom.
Click the "Guide to start classes" below to learn about the online tools you need.
If you need to read this document in another language, make sure to choose your language in the top left corner of the page.
I) setting up your Google email account,
II) using Zoom to communicate with your instructor, and
III) joining your Google Classroom.